Coalescence activated and beam above BME limit, products badly treated with IONSPLIT link rQMD!

Dear FLUKA experts,
It is my first time to use the fluscw.f function. I used the fff function to produce the fluscw.o file. Then I used the lfluka to link them to the fluka library. After that I ran the file using rfluka with the option -e myfluka.
But the error appears , described as below in the error file. Then I tried to use the command ldpmqmd. But error still appears. I tried to same steps above again, and there is no difference.
Since the largest energy in the simulation is 100MeV, why the error appear? I don’t understand why. I guess this error may be caused with the card usrbdx, since if I did not use such card, there is no error.
Could you help me to deal with the error? Thank you so much.

test_geo_82.flair (29.6 KB)
test_geo_82.inp (37.4 KB)
test_geo_82001.err (5.2 KB)
test_geo_82001.out (750.3 KB)
yyy1.f (1.5 KB)

Hello wan,

I would modify the following aspects in your simulation:

  1. When requesting rQMD, remove the IONSPLIT card
  2. Specify the lowest limit in terms of energy and angle when asking for logarithmic binning in the USRBDX
  3. In your user defined routine, make the region search more robust (now you kill the simulation each time the GEOR2N yields an error).

Particularly, for the third point, I would suggest you to proceed in the following way:
a) At initialization time (LFIRST = TRUE), you save in some integers the region number you want to use via CALL GEON2R ( REGNAM, NREG, IERR )
b) At each call, you compare the number you saved with the ones of the correct boundary crossing

An example of that code could be the following:
yyy1.f (1.6 KB)


Hello Wan

Happy to hear that the suggestions were useful. Concerning the read_from_phase_file(), the inputs are described in the comments preceding the subroutine.

If you want to read the surbroutine code, you can find it in /usr/local/fluka/include/

Are you sure that you correctly placed each column in the data file? If this unexpected behaviour still occurs, please attach also the particle data file, so that I can test it.

Thank you, and good luck!

Dear Daniele,
Thank you so much for your kind help. I have solved the problem above.
Great thanks!

Best regards!
yours Wan

A post was split to a new topic: Normalization of two steps simulations