Energy distribution

Dear fluka users
Can someone please help me understand how to implement a non-monoenergetic beam of photons?
I would like to implement a specific distribution of energy but don’t know-how. I have a CVS file with the values I would like to compute.
On the Y-axis I have the percentage of particles on the X-axis I have the energy range.
Thank you

Dear William,
you can do it using the FORTRAN source.f routine for FLUKA:

Kind regards,

Dear @william.olivei,
Instead of using source.f, I STRONGLY advise you to use the
new format of the source routine, source_newgen.f, which is much more user friendly and much easier to deal with for beginners.
Beside the manuals, you can find a very useful explanation on how to use it in the slides from the course.

Great thanks for the information