Local geometry in GCR simulations

Dear @Motlatsi_Vincent,

Since you did not upload any file, I assume you are still working on the inp file you have enclosed in this post: Cosmic ray showers.

As Francesco pointed out, there was an error in the geometry, which I understood you have solved by increasing the topmost altitude for particle tracking.
I have rebuilt the local atmosphere and it seems to me that the geometry is correctly reproduced being the AIR/SIDE layers now properly defined. I attach the files:
atmloc.zip (4.3 KB)

For what concern the normalization, this topic has been widely discussed in several posts in this forum, which I recommend you to have a look.

Here a small selection:

Detect pion created from cosmic-ray - Scoring - FLUKA User Forum (cern.ch)
GCR extended layers and scoring through mgdraw file - Advanced Features and User Routines - FLUKA User Forum (cern.ch)

In essence, if you ask for a scoring in one of the standard AIR layer, FLUKA knows the normalization factor to apply via the *.sur file, generated at the moment of the creation of the atmloc. Note that in this case you should rename the *.sur* accordingly to the *.spc* set of file you are using (e.g. phi0465.sur if you use the xxphi0465.spc set). However, if you plan to modify the geometry for any reason (e.g you want to include new regions in the atmloc geometry), FLUKA will not know the normalization factor for the new regions you will create. In this case, the option NO-NORM fits better, by leaving to the user the normalization of the results in post-process (see the posts I have linked).
