The problem of DCM format conversion in FLAIR

Dear FLUKA experts,
I have installed the latest version on the website of fluka and flair, I downloaded the digimouse ct file on Digimouse_Download - Biomedical Imaging Group", and the file is in ANALYZE format.I used Matlab to convert it into a DCM file, it generated, but when I imported the DCM file into FLAIR, the instance count was only 1, and it didn’t display or convert to a voxel file properly.The MATLAB code is in the attachment.
Best regards
Untitled.txt (413 Bytes)

Can you please provide the dcm files to check

Thank you very much. The documents have exceeded the maximum limit, so I send them to you in two (3.8 MB) (2.5 MB)

During loading there is an error reported
this transfer syntax JPEG 2000 Image Compression, can not be read because Pillow lacks the jpeg 2000 decoder plugin
the dicom pixel array is compressed and the python pillow library doesn’t have the needed decoder.

On my ubuntu I solved it by installing the package

Another problem I saw with the CT is that all slices have the same SliceLocation=-325 leading to a null voxel file