Unique ID particle using MGDRAW

Dear @tuneu,

Thank you for your question.
As far as I know, there is not a unique_id number by default, BUT you can define it using a user defined variable in TRACKR.

trackr.inc [TRACKs Recording] (properties of the currently transported particle and its path)
Here, you can get a lot of information of the particle you are transporting, many you probably know already:

      Ntrack = number of track segments                
      Mtrack = number of energy deposition events along the track  0 < i < Ntrack                                                    
      Xtrack = end x-point of the ith track segment               
      Ytrack = end y-point of the ith track segment               
      Ztrack = end z-point of the ith track segment           1 < i < Ntrack                                                     
      Ttrack = length of the ith track segment                    1 < j < Mtrack                                                                                                     
      Jtrack = identity number of the particle: for recoils or    
               kerma deposition it can be outside the allowed     
               particle id range, assuming values like:           
                 208: "heavy" recoil                              
                 211: EM below threshold                          
                 308: low energy neutron kerma                    
               in those cases the id of the particle originating  
               the interaction is saved inside J0trck (which othe-
               rwise is zero)                                     
      Etrack = total energy of the particle                       
      Ptrack = momentum of the particle (not always defined, if   
             < 0 must be obtained from Etrack)                    
  Cx,y,ztrck = direction cosines of the current particle          
  Cx,y,ztrpl = polarization cosines of the current particle       
      Wtrack = weight of the particle                                              
      Ctrack = total curved path                                                             
      Spausr = user defined spare variables for the current particle                                                     
      Satrck = macroscopic absorption cross section for low energy neutron collisions (it can be negative for Pnab>1) 
      Ltrack = flag recording the generation number               
      Llouse = user defined flag for the current particle         
      Ispusr = user defined spare flags for the current particle  
      Lfsssc = logical flag for inelastic interactions ending with
               fission (used also for low energy neutrons)        
      Lpkill = logical (user) flag for sudden particle death      

I suggest you to use the variable LLOUSE to flag the muons when they appear for the first time in MGDRAW. In that way you will be able to know that the muon you follow is the right one.

Second option, but using a similar procedure, is to flag them when they are generate and stored in the stack.

Look at this thread which explains how to do this (It explains how to give information about the particles ancestors, but for your problem the difference is just in the info that you provide to the parameter ‘LLOUSE’).

Third option ( It is probably similar to what you are doing now)

Dumping from MGDRAW these variables:

NCASE: number of primaries treated so far (including current one)

You can identify, postprocessing that information, all the tracks of your muons.

I hope this helps you, let me know in case you need more assistance,

Hace a nice weekend,