USRBIN output file

Hi! Tell please what means numbers under “accurate deposition along the tracks requested” string in obtained .bnn.lis file.

Photoyields_79.bnn.lis (679 Bytes)

Here is .inp file

Photoyields.inp (13.0 KB)

Dear @sergey.amirkhanyan,

Please, have a look at the manual for the USRBIN card. There it is written:

   10.0 <= WHAT(1) <= 18.0: Quantities scored along a step, apportioned
             among different bins according to the relevant step fraction.
             In particular, in the case of various types of energy
             deposition, quantities calculated using the accurate
             apportioning algorithm (see Note 14)

and then in Note 14:

    14) When scoring energy deposition or dose, i.e. generalised particles
        208 (ENERGY), 211 (EM-ENRGY), 228 (DOSE) or 241 (DOSE-EM), it is
        recommended to set in the first USRBIN card WHAT(1) = 10.0, 11.0,
        ..., 18 (rather than 0.0, 1.0, ..., 8.0).
        The difference between the two settings is the following.
        With WHAT(1) = 0.0, 1.0, ..., 8.0, the energy lost in a charged
        particle step is deposited in the bin corresponding to the midpoint
        of the step: this is the old FLUKA algorithm, which is rather
        inefficient when the step length is larger than the bin size.
        The accurate algorithm, selected by setting WHAT(1) = 10.0, 11.0,
        ...., 18, deposits in every bin traversed by the step a fraction of
        energy proportional to the respective chord (track-length
        apportioning). Statistical convergence is much faster.

Basically, the string “accurate deposition along the tracks requested” is telling you that you have chosen WHAT(1) between 10 and 18, which is indeed what you did when you select in flair “Type: R-Phi-Z” as you can easily verify checking the snippet of the inputcard at the bottom of the flair window: the first WHAT of the first card is “11.0”

Dear @sergey.amirkhanyan,

I apologize, I just realized I mis-read your question.
The six numbers in

  accurate deposition along the tracks requested
   1.2316E+00  1.3039E+00  0.0000E+00  0.0000E+00  0.0000E+00  0.0000E+00

correspond to the values scored in the 6 bins you required in your USRBIN card, as specified in WHAT(4) of the second card.

 USRBIN          11.0    ENERGY     -79.0       0.6               0.002Cu1
 USRBIN           0.0                 0.0       6.0       1.0       1.0 &

You asked for 6 radial bins, 1 angular bin, and 1 bin in z.

Since you asked for ENERGY, the units will be as specified in the manual (USRBIN card):

        Energy deposition will be expressed in GeV per cm3 per unit primary

If instead of 6 bins I set number of radial bins equal to 1. Should the number which obtained in this case be equal to sum of 1.2316E+00 and 1.3039E+00 ?

Keep in mind that if you are interested in scoring a quantity over an entire region, then you can also profit of “scoring by region” as described in

Dear @sergey.amirkhanyan,

I keep misreading what you write, I apologize.

If you replace the 6 bins with one bin only, then you will get the average, not the sum of the bins, as you are scoring an energy density.

In the case of 6 bins 1.2316E+00 and 1.3039E+00 are also the average in each bin ?

WIth the exception of scoring by region (where the region volume cannot enter the game), a USRBIN bin value is always the quantity average over the bin volume, whichever the regular bin is (producing energy density in case of ENERGY or fluence in case of a particle type). Note also that the average over 6 radial bins is not the arithmetic mean, since the bin volume increases with the radius.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Meaning of “unit primary weight”