Dear experts, I hope all is well. I try to reproduce the results from Production cross section of 67Ga and 68Ga from interaction of Li7 beam on Cu target but I ran into the following problems:
- When I ran the program with the geometry Settings of the input file posted by Riya, all the results were zero. However, upon increasing the thickness of the target, the output displayed results. Could you please tell me why?
- In the output file, my sigma value is 1922.22522 mb, whereas Riya’s value is 1821.6062mb. This difference could be due to variations in our materials or other factors. Also, I would like to know if the natural copper material is set up as it is in my input file.
- Based on the method suggested by Riya to calculate the cross-section, the number of stars generated per beam particle is 3.8248E-03 and the total response I received was 9.1815571E-04. However, when I divided 9.1815571E-04 by 3.8248E-03, I got 0.24mb, which is 3 orders of magnitude different from the expected value of 200 mb. Therefore, I am certain that my calculation is incorrect, but I am unsure where the mistake lies. I would greatly appreciate it if you could identify where I went wrong.
Li_Cu.inp (2.7 KB)
Best regards,
Yue Yu