Dear fluka experts,
I have a doubt about fluence. In the socring ppt, it said fluence is independent of the orientation of the surface, so is the flux not related to one-way or two-way? If so, why can the Flair internal flux also be one-way and two-way?
Dear @shusheng,
Thank you for your question. As you mention correctly, the fluence is independent of the surface orientation, while the current is not. In the USRBDX card, you can score the two magnitudes: fluence (phi) and current (I).
Besides, being a boundary-crossing scoring card, you can choose to score particles crossing the boundary one-way only (from upstream “first” region to downstream “second” region, as defined in the manual) or two-way (from first to second plus from second to first). This is independent from the fact of scoring fluence or current.
Please let me know if this is helpful.
Mario Sacristan