About Cycles and Primaries

Hello FLUKA users

My name is Henrique. I have a degree in Physics and am working on the production of radioisotopes with particle accelerators (protons). I speak directly from Brazil and am a beginner user of this excellent tool for studying nuclear reactions.

If you can help me, I have two minor questions:

  1. What is the influence of the number of cycles in my simulations? When is it better to increase or decrease this number?

  2. I have been running my simulations with 50 million primaries up to 150 million. What else do these choices affect, in addition to the processing time?

Thank you very much.

Welcome to the forum @h.barcellos,
May I recommend studying the materials in the recently concluded FLUKA course?
In particular, you may find this lecture to be very useful.
Best wishes.

Dear Sunil

Thank you for your comments. I took the FLUKA course in 2020 and need to review some classes. I will also take a look at the 2024 classes that you recommended to me.
