About deprecated bodies BOX, WED/RAW, ARB

Dear FLUKA community,

I have a question related to the deprecated bodies. I have found in the FLUKA documentation that these bodies can cause rounding problems and will be removed from future releases. Given an old FLUKA file, representing a fairly complex geometry, which uses some of these bodies, would you advice to change them ? If yes, is there a safe procedure to transition from deprecated bodies to new ones ?


Dear @samedaer
You have various options:

  • you could keep these bodies, but use as much precision is possible for the various parameters.
    Even better try to define the parameters of the bodies with expressions, this can ensure better precision.
  • you could use simpler bodies like RPP instead of a BOX and transform it with $start_transform to the place of interest
  • you could use flairs capability to expand a macro body to a list of simpler infinite bodies

Dear Vasilis,

Thank you for your answer. I would like to favor the second option. However, I have read here that using $start_transform can lead to additional CPU time. What would prevent me from manually changing BOX to RPP ? Would that lead to geometry errors ?


$start_transform adds an additional matrix multiplication for every step. The penalty is in CPU time is not so much.
If done correctly I don’t see the reason to lead to additional errors