Hello everyone,
I have some bnn files from Fluka about a previous project. I would like to ask if it’s possible to upload the bnn files on Flair to reuild the input or to get the dat files in order to plot the results. If this is possible hoe can I do so?
Along with that, how is possible to extract a file from Flair from ubuntu terminal in order to use the dat file
as an input for other software like Matlab ecc.
Thank you
A post was merged into an existing topic: Plotting USRBIN results with external software
Thank you Sir for your reply.
My concern is related to the fact that the .bnn files are on my desktop and I don’t know how can I can upload them on flair as flair works in a directory called “home” and takes the files from there. How can I upload/ download files on/from such directory through the terminal ubuntu?
Best wishes,
Dear Lovepreet,
is you are using WSL, you can access the windows file system in the Ubuntu terminal here:
It is possible to run the simulation in these directories, so the generated files will be accessible in Windows automatically.
Thank you Sir.
I can see the files in the Ubuntu terminal, but how can I download them to work on it? and how can I upload them?
For example, in the screenshot, I want to download the highlighted file, how can I do so?
Best wishes,
Dear Lovepreet,
you need to copy (with the command cp
) the files to a directory under /mnt/c/
and then you will be able to access it under Windows C:\
A post was split to a new topic: Plotting USRBIN results with external software