Activation dose calculation for I 123 production

Dear all, I am currently trying to evaluate the activation dose rate from the production of I 123 . The problem is, the Target is removed from the accelerator room after being radiated for 26 hours, and the workers enter the room at 44th hour(cooling time 18 hours), while I don’t know how to simulate that. In other words, I am supposed to calculate the activation dose rate at 44th hour without the target being still in the accelerator room.
The input files are as following:
CSHY Nuclei.flair (12.7 KB)
CSHY Nuclei.inp (11.7 KB)
source.f (10.2 KB)
Thanks in advance to everyone for their time and advice!

Dear Sean,

the ASSIGNMA card should solve your problem. Have a look to note 5. You can set your target region (or all the regions that are removed after operation) to material AIR for the radioactive decay step (WHAT(6)). The residual decay products from these regions will then be ignored.

Kind regards,


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