Adjusting normalization

Good day, FLUKA experts and users.

I have a rather mundane question, that is to ask:

if I have set up a simulation that uses a radioactive source and I wish to know the absorbed dose that a material some distance away receives I use DOSE for the part in USRBIN scoring. My norm in the plotting window is given by:

1.6e-7 * 10e12 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 6.59 * 1e-3

I understand that this 1.6e-7 is used to convert the dose to Gy.

If I now wish to view the ARC-DPA for the exact same setup and the same conditions of radiation should my norm in the plotting window have the same value or should I remove the 1.6e-7.

I have attached both files relevant to this question, I look forward to your response.

Kind regards

DPA Files:
xMeV_Gammas_MgO_dose.inp (1.6 KB)
xMeV_Gammas_MgO_dose.flair (1.6 KB)

DOSE Files:
xMeV_Gammas_MgO_dose.flair (1.6 KB)
xMeV_Gammas_MgO_dose.inp (1.6 KB)

It is used to convert GeV/g (dose units from FLUKA) to Gy (i.e., J/kg).

You should definitely remove it, since DPA are a dimensionless quantity that does not entail the above energy units.

Thank you very much @ceruttif

Kind regards