Angular limits in R-Phi-Z USRBIN scoring not displayed in formatted ascii file

Dear All,

I’m running the following test geometry scoring r-phi-z on FLUKA4-3.4

Although I have set phi limits, they are not displayed in the formatted .bnn file.
What is the reason for this? Am I doing something wrong?

Cheers, Peter



*Set the defaults for precision simulations
DEFAULTS                                                              PRECISIO
*Define the beam characteristics
BEAM            10.0                                                  NEUTRON
USRBIN            11    PROTON       -22         4      2.54         6philims
USRBIN             3      1.17         3         1         3         1 &
USRBIN            11    PROTON       -22         4                   6nolims
USRBIN             3                   3         1         3         1 &
*Define the beam position
GEOBEGIN                                                              COMBNAME
    0    0          
*Black body
SPH blkbody    0.0 0.0 0.0 100000.0
*Void sphere
SPH void       0.0 0.0 0.0 10000.0
*Cylindrical target
RCC target     0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 5.0
XYP split      7
*Black hole
BLKBODY      5 +blkbody -void
*Void around
VOID         5 +void -target
TARGET       5 +target +split
TARGET2      5 +target -split
*Set the random number seed
RANDOMIZ         1.0
*Set the number of primary histories to be simulated in the run

Content of formatted scoring file

R-Phi-Z binning n. 1 "philims " , generalized particle n. 1
R coordinate: from 3.0000E+00 to 4.0000E+00 cm, 1 bins ( 1.0000E+00 cm wide)
P coordinate: from -3.1416E+00 to 3.1416E+00 rad, 3 bins ( 2.0944E+00 rad wide)
Z coordinate: from 3.0000E+00 to 6.0000E+00 cm, 1 bins ( 3.0000E+00 cm wide)
Data follow in a matrix A(ir,ip,iz), format (1(5x,1p,10(1x,e11.4)))

  accurate deposition along the tracks requested
  this is a track-length binning
   1.8755E-02  3.5164E-04  2.2910E-04

  Percentage errors follow in a matrix A(ir,ip,iz), format (1(5x,1p,10(1x,e11.4)))

   7.0286E+00  2.5520E+01  5.8769E+01

R-Phi-Z binning n. 2 "nolims " , generalized particle n. 1
R coordinate: from 3.0000E+00 to 4.0000E+00 cm, 1 bins ( 1.0000E+00 cm wide)
P coordinate: from -3.1416E+00 to 3.1416E+00 rad, 3 bins ( 2.0944E+00 rad wide)
Z coordinate: from 3.0000E+00 to 6.0000E+00 cm, 1 bins ( 3.0000E+00 cm wide)
Data follow in a matrix A(ir,ip,iz), format (1(5x,1p,10(1x,e11.4)))

  accurate deposition along the tracks requested
  this is a track-length binning
   1.8255E-03  1.1826E-03  9.2067E-04

  Percentage errors follow in a matrix A(ir,ip,iz), format (1(5x,1p,10(1x,e11.4)))

   1.9938E+01  1.5400E+01  3.3628E+01

You didn’t, since you cannot (in fact, why should you?): they are pre-defined as -pi and pi. You can set the number of phi bins (over the aforementioned interval) and move the cylindrical mesh axis (which is what you actually did, shifting it from the z-axis to a parallel axis of coordinates x = 1.17 cm, y = 2.54 cm).

Thankyou very much. It seems I didn’t understand the USRBIN card correctly.

Actually apologies - this was a fault that was introduced before Peter started. It was to make a quick system to observe values at particular coordinates. That was to answer ‘ why’ but the system is clear and of course there’s other ways to handle the requirement so thank you for resolving.