Antiproton annihilation with isotopes

Dear experts, I am a beginner Fluka User who wants to simulate a low-energy antiproton annihilation with nuclei of some isotopes. I want to repeat the simulation with FLUKA done in [2209.02596] Synthesis of cold and trappable fully stripped HCI's via antiproton-induced nuclear fragmentation in traps.
For this, I created a hollow sphere of 1 mm radius and thickness of 500 nm. The antiproton starts at the sphere’s centre with an energy of around 1 keV. I am interested in what kind of isotopes are produced. My input file (generated from flair) can be found here: PBarInSphere.inp (1.3 KB)
and the output graph from the RESNUCLEI here:

I would like to know:

  1. As I understood from the documentation, for simulating this process, I need to use EVAPORAT physics card with RESNUCLEI for scoring. Is there any other physics card that I should consider?
  2. RESNUCLI produces yields of isotopes. If I do 1M histories with 1 cycle, can I multiply the histogram by 1M to obtain the number of isotopes produced?
  3. How can I also have information about the energy of produced isotopes? Do I have to add a USRBIN for energy?

Dear @jzielins ,

Thank you for your questions. I comment on the different points:

  1. Yes, you should add another PHYSICS card, COALESCE - On, to include high energy light fragments produced by joining together nucleons that are near in the phase space.
  2. You are right, results are normalised per primary particle, so to obtain the total yield, you should multiply the outcome by P primaries and N cycles. You may use the “Norm” field in the Plot tab at Flair.
  3. Scoring energy with USRBIN will provide you with the deposited energy in the material. If you want the kinetic energy of the isotopes, you may use the USRYIELD card. In your particular case, with a single material, scoring the heavy ions emerging from inelastic interactions by kinetic energy may provide what you are looking for. Nevertheless, it will not generate a scoring as a function of the second variable (particle charge), but simply restrict the min/max values.

Please let me know if this helps.

Best regards,

Mario Sacristan


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Dear @msacrist ,
Thank you for the response. This is precisely what I was looking for