Antiproton annihilation

Dear developers,

I understand from this post that there is no available documentation for the antiproton annihilation in matter.

However, I am trying to check the number of pions and kaons produced in antiproton annihilation with various materials. To do this, I am using the USDRAW entry of the MGDRAW subroutine. The issue I encounter is that I do not see any pions or kaons generated when I filter the results using ICODE.EQ.214 or ICODE.EQ.215.
Does this interaction fall under inelastic interactions (ICODE.EQ.101 )? If so, why are neutrons and protons produced in this interaction? Is it due to pion induced intranuclear cascade?

Event no. Part. Code ICODE
1 2 101
1 13 101
1 14 101
1 8 101
1 1 101
1 8 101
1 8 101
1 14 101
1 8 101
1 8 101
1 14 101
1 8 101

Thank you,

Dear Mihaela,

these pertain to the e-/e+/gamma part and refer to positron annihilation only.


Indeed: the target nucleus where the antiproton annihilates gets excited and can emit nucleons.

Dear Francesco,

Thank you!

All the best,