Hello every body
previously run simulations with Dicom files (CT scans) converted to voxel geometry, now I’m getting a **** Blank common exhausted in Pwxsst **** for some patient my system ubuntu20.04 and flair 3.3-1
can any one help me how i can add Low_Pwx card and what the material should i choose and the cross section for that material? I try but i failed
thanks alot
my files are
ahmed a el fatah.flair (1.2 KB)
b001.err (46 Bytes)
ahmed a el fatah.inp (3.7 KB)
my output show
**** No bound pointwise H cross sections below 3.059E-09 GeV ****
**** Blank common exhausted in Pwxsst ****
please any one answer me
Dear Ahmed,
can you provide also the voxel file so we can check?
as well the auxiliary rtplan beam files.
Dear @vasilis
thanks a lot for your reply
I add a LOW-PWXS card I choose material HYDROGEN I loaded latest version JEFF3.3 and RUN is finished OK in latest time
BUT I would like to benefit from your experience ( when I edit beam model file energy , NP per MU ,… etc ) the result of DVH not change . I mean that with and without editing beam model file the result is the same. why the agreement between planed and FLUKA DVH is 100% there are no differences .did I enter any wrong input in my input file ? OR this is normal.
Thanks in advance .
The beam model file is used to fine tune the beam generation from FLUKA. You might expected differences if your beam model the NP/MU is not linear, and if you modeled a spread in the beam. However is hard for me to say if I don’t have your input to check.
Dear @vasilis
Many thanks
I previously attached the input, err, and flair files . the files are above , Can you check it please
I try to attach the Voxle file but I can`t.
thanks in advance
Dear @walaa.khalil88,
The scope of the forum is to provide support on technical issues and guidance on more physics questions. Validating the inputs of the users is a bit beyond the scope of this forum. You can understand this cannot be done for each Fluka user.