Code Execution Issue

“Hi, I’m new to FLUKA and I’m trying to follow the tutorial on FLAIR (Official flair site). When I select plot windows, it gives me the command ‘rfuka -e fluka -M 1’. However, when I attempt to run the input, I receive error code 127.”

Dear @hayat_taysir,

Since you’re new to Fluka, I’d suggest you to search the forum for possible solutions of your problem. You’ll see that “Error code 127” has already been discussed. Maybe the info already available would help you solving your problem.

i already try but it doesn’t work

Please read what you are reporting:
Error: Too many input files specified!
meaning that the command line
rfluka -M 5 lead target.inp
makes no sense, since one input file only (and not two: lead and target) should appear there.