Dear Fluka experts
I am trying to compile FLUKA-4.3.0 on AARCH64 (ARM) architecture, but I have encountered some problems recently. I’m using the ‘source code.tgz’ package, but there are lots of alarms “undefined reference…” during compilation. For example, “s12cpw \ s3Hepw \ s4hepw” in function “nizlnW_”, “c12cpw\ c4hepw \ cs2hpw” in function “nucrel_”, etc as fig1 shows.
Figure1 compile on arm
Then, I used this package to compile on X86 and had a similar problem as fig2 shows.
Figure2 compile on X86
These don’t seem to be problems with the underlying ARM architecture, but more like a lack of libraries or dependencies? Do you know anything about this problem?
Thank you in advance. looking forward for your kind reply.