Define the particle and energy to bin

Dear expert,

We would like to plot energy distribution within a specified volume or on a particular surface. We initially considered using the SPECSOUR command; however, it appears that this command is only applicable to hadron particles. Since I am simulating electron beams, perhaps we could achieve a flat energy distribution for the particles by utilizing the fourth parameter of the SPOTBEAM command? This would be preferable to a monoenergetic electron beam. Alternatively, are there any other solutions available?
Flair Screenshot:

Thank you in advance.



Dear @mvolpi,

I’m sorry but your post is a bit obscure. You says your goal is to estimate a quantity and your screenshot indeed shows scoring cards. But in the post you talk about cards used for the source. It is difficult to understand your point. Could you please clarify?

Dear Amario,

I’m sorry, my apologies. I have attached the wrong screenshot. Below is the correct one.

The goal of the simulation is to obtain a radiation license for a high-gradient test stand facility in the X-Band. Essentially, we are testing the high-gradient prototype CLIC structure, reaching gradients of up to 100MV/m.

The facility lacks an electron source; instead, electrons are generated through field emission, resulting in a current that is measured with a Faraday cup. This current is known as the dark current. Using a CST simulation, we estimate the electron energy spectrum of both the downstream and upstream dark currents.

So far, we have simulated three simultaneous monoenergetic electron beams using the maximum values from the electron energy distributions (refer to the correct screenshot). I am interested in determining whether it is possible to utilize the energy distribution within a specified volume.

I hope I have clarified my point this time.
Thank you once again in advance.



Dear @mvolpi,

I apologize for my belated reply.
Have you considered writing your own source routine? This would allow you to define whichever origin and energy of the primaries, for whichever particles these are.
You can find many threads discussing source_newgen.f on this forum.

Dear @amario,

Thank you very much for your suggestion, I am going to try to write my own source routine.

