Dear FLUKA experts,
I am trying to build simulations using the DigiMouse model, and run into some issues.
- When I first created the .vxl file I set all materials to AIR, and then changed that using ASSGNTMAT card. I keep getting a warning that “Multiple ASSIGNMAT for region”. The simulation still runs as intended, and in the output files I see that the material assignment has been set correctly. Can this warning be ignored?
- The simulation runs and finishes without errors only if the beam position is not within the voxel area. If the beam position is set to any point within the voxel the run does not seem to finish at all. When I turn on the geometry debugger option, the error is “Too many errors in geometry”, although I cannot find any errors.
- When I use a user routine to sample a location within the voxel file, at first there seems that the simulation runs without any problems. However, when I look at the .out files I see the error that the region of the particle cannot be identified.
Please find the attached files.
Thank you kindly in advance,
DigiMouse3.flair (10.5 KB)
source_newgen_organs.f (19.8 KB)
DigiMouse3.inp (7.6 KB)