Display icon of Flair and Fluka input file

Dear Experts,

I have recently installed Fluka 4.1.1 and FLair 3.1-10 on Fedora 33 on Virtual Machine.

After creating the .flair and .inp, I can not see the usual icons with .flair and .inp (as seen previously, in Fedora 30). The same issue is also observed on installing Fluka, with Fedora 34. PFA the snapshot.

Please suggest whether this the Fedora version issue or I am missing something to be able to see the usual icons with .flair and .inp.

Fedora 33_Flair and input

Dear Raksha,

are the icons of other filetypes missing as well on the shared windows drive? If yes, then it is an issue with the virtual machine, which is difficult to help remotely.

If only the icons of Flair are missing, can you tell us, how did you install Flair? Did you use the .rpm or .tgz package? What virtualization software do you use to run Fedora?


Dear David,

Other icons are well-seen on the VM as well as on Windows.
VM is installed on Windows, the details of VM is attached as snapshot.
I have used .rpm package for installing Flair. The command history is attached as a text file.

Please suggest further.

Virtual Machine version - Fedora 33 loaded on this
commands history_print.txt (1.1 KB)

Dear Raksha,

the problem is related to the default icon theme (Adwaita) Fedora uses. It seems it is currently not fixed yet.

Since it is only a cosmetic issue you can leave it as is. But, it you want to restore Flair’s icons, you can do it with the following commands:

sudo cp /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/mimetypes/application-x-flair.png /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/48x48/mimetypes/
sudo cp /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/mimetypes/application-x-fluka.png /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/48x48/mimetypes/
sudo touch /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/
sudo gtk-update-icon-cache


Good morning David,

Thank you, I could get the Flair icon with the commands given.
(Just one query: Do you mean when the icon theme is fixed in Fedora 33, the .inp icon will also be seen by itself ? )


Dear Raksha,

yes, if the default icon theme (Adwaita) is updated, the Flair icons should be working by default. Other icon themes doesn’t have this problem, only the default one.

The commands in my previous post copies the icons into the directory of the icon theme, as a workaround.

For more details see: The icons of the mime types "application-x-generic.png" overlap the newly created mime types from the "hicolor" theme (#108) · Issues · GNOME / adwaita-icon-theme · GitLab
