DOSE-H20 scoring wrong

Dear experts:

I want to compare the difference between the dose and dose to water in fluka. I put a air cavity in the water phantom, but I got wrong when I used the choice DOSE-H20 even though the procedure did work when using DOSE part.

I do not know why. here are my flair file and wrong output information.
dose2water.flair (3.0 KB)

Did you try to search on the forum for the same error message?

Dear amario:

Sorry, Thank you for reminding me of this and gave me the link.

I have another two questions about this:

  1. If I just want to scorer the dose to water, the file in RAD-BIOL card actually is not used in simulation, right?

  2. Is there any document that introduces the method of calculating dose to water in fluka?

  1. DOSE-H2O do not require the RAD-BIOL. You need the RAD-BIOL card for ALPHA-D and SQBETA-D scoring