Error code 127 - running problem

Dear fluka experts,

Can you help me? I’m having trouble running my code.

Dear hayat,

it seems that FLUKA is not installed correctly on you machine.

Please check if rfluka in in you $PATH with the command

which rfluka

If the command doesn’t find rfluka. You could try to reinstall FLUKA using the .deb package.


Dear David,

Thank you for your response. I believe RFLUKA has been installed.

Dear hayat,

it seems that you installed FLUKA from the .tgz package. But it seems that there is an error. Unfortunately, the screenshot is cut of parts of the error message.

I would suggest to remove this installation and use the .deb package instead.


Hello david,
I attempted to use the command ‘sudo dpkg -i fluka-…-gforXX_amd64.deb,’
but unfortunately, I encountered the same error again.
Can you please assist me in resolving this issue?

Dear Hayat,

you need to use the actual name of the package. Not the template name with ... and XX.


Yes, I have already done that installation, and it went well, but the problem is still not solved.

Dear Hayat,

without the complete error messages, there is not much we can do.


Press the Config button of the main (first) Flair tab, select Fluka in the left menu, and specify the Fluka Directory where you installed FLUKA.