Error in calculation of photonuclear reaction

Hi, experts. I am a FLAIR beginner. I use RESNUCLE to calculate the yield of Cu-67 produced by photon bombardment of Zn-68, but I cannot get the result. The reason seems to be that the PHOTONU card is not activated. Can you give me an example of an INP file for study? Thank you!

Dear Zhiyu,

could you provide your .flair file instead, so we can check it as well?


After I added the IRRPROFI and DCYTIMES cards, the calculation has no result. Can you help me check and modify it? Thank you
Cu-67.flair (1.4 KB)

Those cards require RADDECAY in activation mode, and not semi-analogue.

How do I activate these cards?

If you want to get the isotope activity at a given cooling time after an irradiation period, modify the RADDECAY card in your input: from Semi-Analogue to Activation.
Otherwise, if you are just interested in the isotope production yield, the cards RADDECAY, IRRPROFI, DCYTIMES and DCYSCORE are not needed at all and you should simply look at the RESNUCLE result.

Thank you. If the RADDECAY, IRRPROFI, DCYTIMES and DCYSCORE cards are not set, under what conditions will the isotope yield be calculated?

You will get the number of isotopes stopping in your scoring region per primary particle (photon in your case), which is what is meant as production yield (including the effect of possible isotope migration from one region to another).

OK, following your suggestion, the program finally works, thank you very much! :smiley: