Error Installing FLAIR 3.3.0 on Fedora 38

I just tried to update to FLAIR 3.3.0 and I am getting the following error

  • nothing provides needed by flair-geoviewer-3.3-0.x86_64 from flairrepo

I am using Fedora 38.

Dear Dirk,

it seems the rpm package is currently only compatible with Fedora 39, or with distributions which have the latest glibc version 2.38.

Compiling/installing Flair and Flair-geoviewer from the .tar packages should work.


The best option would be to recompile the .src.rpm package of geoviewer as
rpmbuild --rebuild flair-geoviewer-X.XXX.src.rpm
it will generate the .rpm package for your system that you can install