Error: no ranfile and error file generated

Dear Experts,
I am no able to run my input file:

Punita.flair (4.9 KB)
Punita.inp (4.9 KB)

The error messages are the following:

Unfortunately no error file is generated and no error code is indicated for more information.

Could anyone help me?
Thank you

Dear Corrado,

the error message is printed at the end of the Punita001.out file.

However starting with the latest version of FLUKA (v4-4), you should not encounter these type of errors, because of the automatic use of point-wise low energy neutron cross sections.
Please update your FLUKA installation, as support is provided only for the latest release.


Dear David,

the error message at the end of Punita001.out file states:
Low energy neutron xsec not found for some media…GRAPHITE
I will update FLUKA and I will try again.

Thank you.
