Errors related to plot

Dear FLUKA and Flair experts,

I am new to FLUKA and Flair. I successfully installed FLUKA and Flair on Ubuntu. It seemed to me that everything was running properly, but I have found a problem. I have successfully processed the .bin.However, when I press the “Plot” button I get an error:

Also, I would like to ask why the integral value is smaller than the maximum value? See Figure 3
I know it may be a very simple issue, however I don’t know how to solve it. If you need more information, I can post the Output window messages.

Thank you very much for your help!

A quantity (e.g., local energy density, in GeV/cm^3) and its integral (energy over a volume, in GeV) are different quantities, expressed in different units, therefore the comparison of their numerical values is meaningless.

The error message already tells you what to do: enlarge the plot region, since no region boundary is found in the considered area (empty plot). If you keep failing, please upload your .flair file.

Thank you very much for your answer.
I would like to ask you about the first question, because the volume of the area I integrated is greater than 1 cubic centimeter, so I believe the integration result should be greater than the previous value
Regarding the second question, I’m not sure if I did it correctly. I added the range of USBIN, but still encountered the same error. Below are my FLAIR and INP files
Thank you very much again for your help!
basicinput.flair (2.5 KB)
basicinput.inp (1.9 KB)

Not at all, since - according to your USRBIN grid - the max energy density value (correctly expressed in GeV/cm^3) refers to a 1 mm^3 bin, thereby its contribution to the integral implies a multiplication by 0.001.

Your files are not compatible with the FLUKA distribution supported on this forum (e.g., D-D in the BEAM card).
The plotting problem, as pointed out above, is due to the fact that no region boundary is found in the considered area, which is fully included in the TARGET1 region. In the Plot frame of Flair loading your USRBIN detector file, you should select -No- in the Geometry Use field on the right.

Thank you very much for your answer
I understand the first question now. The integration value is for each energy bin, so the integration area should be 0.1cm × 0.1cm × 0.1cm=0.0001cm3. Therefore, the integration value will be smaller than the above value.
Regarding the second question, my version may have some issues. Is this problem serious? Do I need to download Fluka again?
According to your prompt, I have modified the relevant options and the error has disappeared. Thank you very much for your help and I wish you a happy life!