Dear experts,
I am preparing my input. In the following picture, it says no errors, warnings but in red and blue regions there are some lines. What those means?
thank you
Dear experts,
I am preparing my input. In the following picture, it says no errors, warnings but in red and blue regions there are some lines. What those means?
thank you
Hello again
And I also tried to compile but I had an error saying “no objects generated”.
I use flair 3.3-1 for windows11 and ubuntu 24.04_all.deb
Is there anyone knows how to solve this problem?
Thank you
Dear @mgulmen,
Concerning your first problem, what you call “red and blue regions” are not regions but “viewports”. (see slide 27 of the Flair intro lecture). A viewport is a 2D view cut of the geometry. In your specific case, the red viewport shows a cut along the x and z axes, while the blue viewport shows a cut along the y and z axes. You can see the axes orientation in the bottom left corner of each viewport, where in the latest flair version there is an orientation cube similar to the one used by several CAD programs (see slide 10 of the Geometry Editor lecture). Since your screenshot doesn’t show the orientation cube, I infer that, despite your statement of using flair version 3.3-1, the snapshot was taken while using an older version of flair.
Flair identifies geometry error separately for each viewport. Therefore, it is possible that along two viewports (a.k.a. geometry cuts) there are no errors (in your case, the green and yellow viewports), while along the other two viewports there are errors (in your case, the red and bluew viewports). Have a look at the slides 39 to 41 of the Geometry Editor lecture.
Concerning instead your second problem, I’d like to point you to slide 8 of the Flair intro lecture. There you can see that a .inp file is not a fortran file but an inputfile based on cards (see slide 2 of the same lecture). Therefore, it has nothing to do with compilation. Compilation is required only if you want to link one or more user routines.
I’d strongly suggest you to review the material from the latest FLUKA Beginners’ Course in order to get acquainted with basic FLUKA concepts.
Dear amario,
I really thank you very much for your detailed response. I read the attachment from the top to bottom. In my case, I think errors from the viewports comes from the border of the invoid region that I defined in a RPP body but I couldn’t fix them.
I also have trouble for saving my input file, as the following picture.
Is it normal to have data file in my terminal? It’s empty. should I delete it to fix the saving problem? (in the following picture)
I’m sorry if I bother, I am just trying to learn.
I attached my input file, if you take a look I’d be grateful.
thank you
input2.txt (2.5 KB)