Export USRBIN data

Dear FLUKA experts

I am using USRBIN to score energy of electrons upon passing across the my target. I have no problem to create 2D USRBIN plot but I need to export the data in a clear form to pass them to my colleagues for thermal calculations.

I know that the full data are contained in fort.50 file and when I do 2D projetion plot (for example along Y axis) .dat file is created. The file appear as follow:


and I guess that the first two columns represent the bins (the coordinates of the bordes of the bins?) and the second two the energy deposition and its uncertainty. Right? Hovewer, the data are averaged along Y axis. If I would to obtain the detailed bin results along the Y axis, do I need to create a .dat file for each bins along Y? Or is there a better way to export them entirely?
I hope I explained myself clearly.
Thanks for your help.


DUMP_2.4_rame.flair (4.9 KB)
DUMP_2.4_rame.inp (2.2 KB)

Dear @corrado.tine,

Please have a look at this thread where your question has already been answered.

Dear @amario ,
Thanks for your kindly help!
Best regards,