I am a very novice user of FLUKA/flair and for the past couple of days, I have been trying to run my first ever simulation. To make sure I did everything correctly, I followed the tutorial on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NfOr5xpSp0 which seemed pretty straight-forward. When I got to running the simulation, I got the error Finished with ERRORS (everything on my program is the same as on the tutorial up till this stage). This is what I get in the output file:
======================== Running FLUKA for cycle # 1 ========================
Error: “/usr/local/fluka/bin/flukadpm” executable returned RC=2
What is the issue please?
As I mentioned earlier, I’m quite new to using this software, so I’m still finding my way around it. I would greatly appreciate clear and easy-to-follow guidance on this issue.
EDIT: I tried executing the check_fluka.sh file and I got:
Thu 22 Aug 13:35:27 CEST 2024
Linux ubuntu 5.4.0-192-generic #212-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 5 09:50:13 UTC 2024 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux
VERSION="20.04.5 LTS (Focal Fossa)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS"
Checking python
Version: 3.8-10 ok
Checking python tkinter module
tkinter found
Checking tk library
Tk Version= 8.6 ok
Checking python imaging
python-imaging-tk installed
Checking gnuplot
gnuplot 5.2.8 ok
Checking memory
Ram: 10175596 kb ok
Swap: 4194300 kb ok
Checking CPU
============================== WARNING ==============================
Unable to determine CPU type/speed
Please ensure a minimum of 1.0 GHz of CPU speed..
Checking X11
X11 dimension: 1512x945 ok
X11 depth: 24 ok
Checking flair
flair directory: /usr/local/flair
============================== ERROR ==============================
Cannot load flair from directory /usr/local/flair
Please verify flair installation
However, I cannot seem to understand how it cannot access this file (I have enabled all possible permissions for this file just to make sure). I think this is an installation issue.
I have since updated my post (see from EDIT below). I am not a frequent user of Linux either, so it might be that although flair is loading up OK, the installation itself might still be faulty.
As for the latest FLUKA course material you sent, I have actually been working through it, but I encountered this issue when I tried to run my first simulation. I am eager to learn and explore FLUKA further, but this problem is making it difficult to proceed.
Would it be possible for me to provide access remotely to an expert to assist me in resolving this issue? This would greatly help me in getting started with FLUKA.
Apart from the apparent Flair installation issue, can you please look at and report the content of the tutorial_01001.log, tutorial_01001.err and tutorial_01001.out files? You should find them in the directory
where the final number changes from run to run. This most likely will explain the FLUKA run failure.
It seems to be from the error message and the output of the check_fluka.sh script that you are trying to run FLUKA on a PC with an ARM-based processor.
Currently, no ARM version of FLUKA is available. You may try to use some virtualization software to emulate the x86/x64 instructions, or if it is a Mac, you can use the FLUKA version compiled for MacOS with Mx processors.
It seems I was overcomplicating things. I had been working within an Ubuntu virtual machine on macOS, but I’ve now installed everything directly on macOS, and it’s working perfectly. I finally managed to get the simulation running.
Thank you so much (and also Francesco for his input).