Finished with errors in output files

Dear experts,

I run my test input file. In flair, even there is no errors and no warnings and no errors shown in viewports, but in cyle 7 and the rest, there are geometry errors shown. I add an arrow to simulate error position however I couldn’t fix it.

I downloaded fluka 4-4-1for Windows11 and using Flair 3-3-1.
mytest.txt (2.4 KB)
I have _fort21 and _fort22 until cycle 7 where geometry errors occur.

Also, as I open .out in the fifth cycle, coming photon fluence is the same as the leaving fluence like behaviing there was no target.???
I am trying to get coming photon flue.(I0) / leaving photon flue.(I) , so which file and line I need to see for the I and I0 in the output fiiles?

Any suggestions how to fix these errors?

Best Regards

I corrected the geometric error by expanding blckhole area. So, the run finished OK. For the fluence values, I should see the tot.resp. values and normalise with area, energy bounds and total primaries run, if I am right.

Best Regards,

The input file should be named mytest.inp and not mytest.txt.
The rest region definition was wrong, missing the + spin term, which prevents the prohibited overlap with the region bh.
The double EMFCUT card makes no sense, since it should apply to the target region only (there Reg to Reg does not identify a boundary, but a region list).
In order to count photons by USRBDX, you should use current and not fluence.
In order to make a ratio, the identical surface area and energy scoring limits play no role. (The tot. resp. value is integrated over the requested energy range). As for the total number of run primaries, this never plays a role for the normalization of the built-in scoring card (e.g., USRBDX) results (that are given per primary particle and have to be multiplied by the real source/beam intensity when relevant), nor has any physical meaning.