Finished with ERRORS Mac

Dear Flair user,
I am new to Flair and I am using Mac to run it. When I am trying to run the example input file on Flair it keeps showing Finished with ERRORS after I click run, wasn’t too sure what was going on.

Also, I am not too sure what I should set for the preference in Flair as I read from the output I am assuming the issue comes from there.

Hope someone can help me with this, many thanks.

Dear Kevin,

the problem is that Flair can’t find the rfluka script necessacy to start the simulation.

I would suggest to set the Fluka Directory option to the directory where FLUKA is located, and set rfluka to rfluka and Executable to fluka.


Dear Dávid,
Thanks for the reply, I had set rfluka to rfluka and Executable to fluka so far, and now I still not be able to run it fully, I attached what it shows in the output

Dear Kevin,

now you need to check the .log, .err and .out files to see the reason why the simulation stopped.


Dear Dávid,

Thanks for the help, it seems like I need to install the neutron data, I’ll have a go with that