(Rob Murphy)
26 April 2022 13:27
Dear FLUKA/Flair developers,
I’ve installed Flair 3.1-15.1 and Flair geoviewer 3.1-15.1 (the latter being installed inside the extracted Flair-3.1 directory). When running the basic example Flair crashes and the following error is produced:
/Users/myusername/physics/packages/flair/flair-3.1/flair: line 14: 82088 Segmentation fault: 11 {PYTHON} -O -W ignore {DIR}/ “$@”
The following problem details are also displayed:
Flair problem report.txt (78.5 KB)
I’m using:
MacBook Pro with an M1 chip
MacOS Big Sur
Python version 3.10.4
Any help with this would be much appreciated.
Many thanks
(Luigi Salvatore Esposito)
27 April 2022 10:47
Hello @murobert ,
can you tell me what is the output of these two commands
which g++
which c++
(Rob Murphy)
27 April 2022 13:38
Hello @luillo ,
Sure, I get the following:
my-mac:Desktop myusername$ which g++
my-mac:Desktop myusername$ which c++
Many thanks
(Luigi Salvatore Esposito)
27 April 2022 15:03
Hello @murobert
pleas change line 75 of
CXX := c++
→ CXX := g++
Then recompile geoviewer and install it in the flair directory.
Let me know if it works.
(Rob Murphy)
27 April 2022 15:43
Hello again @luillo ,
Sadly, that hasn’t helped. I now get the following error message:
/Users/myusername/physics/packages/flair/flair-3.1/flair: line 14: 21119 Bus error: 10 {PYTHON} -O -W ignore {DIR}/ “$@”
with the following Problem Details:
Flair:python problem details.txt (78.6 KB)
This error seems to come about when changing between tabs, particularly when changing to the plot tab. I don’t know if that’s helpful to you.
Thanks again
(Luigi Salvatore Esposito)
28 April 2022 07:01
Hello @murobert
that’s weird that the issue is in the plot tab.
Did you update the ports?
sudo port selfupdate
sudo port upgrade outdated
and then make clean, make and make install in the geoviewer folder.
If it does not work, can you provide the output of the following commands?
which python3
port version
port echo installed
I’ll try to reproduce on our Mac with M1 processor.
(Rob Murphy)
28 April 2022 08:46
Hello, @luillo ,
I’ve noticed it crashing like this when clicking across to the Plot tab whilst running a basic simulation, it could just be a coincidence.
I’ve run selfupdate, but not upgrade as I’ve done so within the last few weeks which is why I’m having to reinstall FLUKA/Flair, amongst other things…
The other commands you’ve asked me to run give:
which python3
port version
Version: 2.7.2
port echo installed
port echo installed.txt (23.6 KB)
Perhaps my python version is too new?
Anyway, thanks again.
(Luigi Salvatore Esposito)
29 April 2022 10:54
Hello @murobert
I was able to reproduce your issue.
Unfortunately, the solution proposed here does not work on the M1 processor.
We need more time to investigate.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Cheers Luigi
(Luigi Salvatore Esposito)
2 May 2022 07:05
Hello @murobert
actually the compilation on the M1 processor with the DEBUG flag active works.
Please follow the steps of
and replace the command
make -j 8
→ make -j 8 DEBUG=yes
Thanks for letting me know if this work for you.
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(Rob Murphy)
2 May 2022 07:47
Hello @luillo
Firstly, it’s no inconvenience, I’m just glad you’ve looked into it.
Secondly, using the DEBUG flag during make seems to have worked. I’m running a shortened basic simulation as before but I’ve failed to replicate the crashes, they seem to have stopped.
Thank you very much for your time.
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