Flair on macOS Sequoia 15.2

Greetings! I need help installing Flair please. This is not an OS upgrade. It is a brand-new baby. I made with
make -j 16 DEBUG=yes. Thanks!

 % PYTHON=/opt/local/bin/python3 ./flair
./flair: line 18: 76335 Bus error: 10           ${PYTHON} -O -W ignore ${DIR}/flair.py "$@"

 % port echo requested
gcc14                          @14.2.0_3+stdlib_flag 
pkgconfig                      @0.29.2_0 
py313-matplotlib               @3.10.0_0+tkinter 
tk                             @8.6.16_0+x11 
xorg                           @20090316_0 
xorg-server                    @1.20.11_1 

 % port select --summary
Name       Selected   Options
====       ========   =======
cython     none       cython313 none
fonttools  none       fonttools-313 none
gcc        mp-gcc14   mp-gcc14 none
llvm       none       mp-llvm-19 none
pygments   none       py312-pygments none
python     none       python310 python312 python313 none
python3    python313  python310 python312 python313 none

 % xcode-select --install

xcode-select: note: Command line tools are already installed. Use "Software Update" in System Settings or the softwareupdate command line interface to install updates

 % diff flair-geoviewer-3.3/geoviewer.so flair-3.3/geoviewer.so | wc -l


 % c++ -v
Apple clang version 16.0.0 (clang-1600.0.26.6)
Target: arm64-apple-darwin24.2.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin

 % pkgutil --pkg-info=com.apple.pkg.CLTools_Executables

package-id: com.apple.pkg.CLTools_Executables
volume: /
location: /
install-time: 1737079352

 % which g++ gcc gfortran ar


# are we convinced that homebrew is not the culprit here
 % brew help
zsh: command not found: brew

Hello @mchin ,

I hope that you’re doing well!

I noticed that the installation with Python 3.13 is buggy.
Can you try with Python 3.12?

Cheers, Luigi

Hello @luillo,

Yes, I’m well. I hope you too! Your solution works of course, and gratefully appreciated as always. I took python3 back one step at a time. python312 didn’t work but python311 did. I now have Flair on my Sequoia in full glory.


Hello @mchin ,

Glad that it works.

It’s strange that it does not work with Python 3.12.
Could you possibly post the full list of ports you have installed with the command port echo installed?
This could help to find the culprit in the MacPort installation.

Cheers, Luigi

Hi @luillo,

Sorry missed this earlier. Hope this isn’t too late.

Cheers @luillo!

% port echo installed
Warning: port definitions are more than two weeks old, consider updating them by running 'port selfupdate'.
appres                         @1.0.5_0 
bdftopcf                       @1.1_0 
bitmap                         @1.0.9_0 
brotli                         @1.1.0_0 
bzip2                          @1.0.8_0 
cctools                        @949.0.1_3+xcode 
curl                           @8.11.1_0+brotli+http2+idn+psl+ssl+zstd 
curl-ca-bundle                 @8.11.1_0 
db48                           @4.8.30_5 
editres                        @1.0.7_0 
expat                          @2.6.4_0 
font-adobe-75dpi               @1.0.3_1 
font-adobe-100dpi              @1.0.3_1 
font-adobe-utopia-75dpi        @1.0.4_1 
font-adobe-utopia-100dpi       @1.0.4_1 
font-adobe-utopia-type1        @1.0.4_1 
font-alias                     @1.0.4_0 
font-arabic-misc               @1.0.3_1 
font-bh-75dpi                  @1.0.3_1 
font-bh-100dpi                 @1.0.3_1 
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi @1.0.3_1 
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi @1.0.3_1 
font-bh-ttf                    @1.0.3_1 
font-bh-type1                  @1.0.3_1 
font-bitstream-75dpi           @1.0.3_1 
font-bitstream-100dpi          @1.0.3_1 
font-bitstream-speedo          @1.0.2_1 
font-bitstream-type1           @1.0.3_1 
font-cronyx-cyrillic           @1.0.3_1 
font-cursor-misc               @1.0.3_1 
font-daewoo-misc               @1.0.3_1 
font-dec-misc                  @1.0.3_1 
font-ibm-type1                 @1.0.3_1 
font-isas-misc                 @1.0.3_1 
font-jis-misc                  @1.0.3_1 
font-micro-misc                @1.0.3_1 
font-misc-cyrillic             @1.0.3_1 
font-misc-ethiopic             @1.0.4_0 
font-misc-meltho               @1.0.3_1 
font-misc-misc                 @1.1.2_1 
font-mutt-misc                 @1.0.3_1 
font-schumacher-misc           @1.1.2_1 
font-screen-cyrillic           @1.0.4_1 
font-sony-misc                 @1.0.3_1 
font-sun-misc                  @1.0.3_1 
font-winitzki-cyrillic         @1.0.3_1 
font-xfree86-type1             @1.0.4_1 
fontconfig                     @2.15.0_0 
fonttools_select               @0.1_1 
fonttosfnt                     @1.2.2_0 
freetype                       @2.13.3_0 
fslsfonts                      @1.0.5_0 
fstobdf                        @1.0.6_0 
gcc14                          @14.2.0_3+stdlib_flag 
gcc14-libcxx                   @14.2.0_3+clang18 
gcc_select                     @0.1_10 
gdbm                           @1.24_0 
gettext                        @0.22.5_0 
gettext-runtime                @0.22.5_0 
gettext-tools-libs             @0.22.5_0 
giflib                         @4.2.3_1 
git                            @2.48.0_0+credential_osxkeychain+diff_highlight+doc+pcre+perl5_34 
git-tools                      @2022.12_0 
glxgears                       @9.0.0_0 
glxinfo                        @8.5.0_0 
gmp                            @6.3.0_0 
iceauth                        @1.0.8_0 
ico                            @1.0.5_0 
icu                            @76.1_0 
isl                            @0.24_1 
jbigkit                        @2.1_0 
kerberos5                      @1.21.3_0 
lcms2                          @2.16_0 
ld64                           @3_6+ld64_xcode 
ld64-xcode                     @2_6 
lerc                           @4.0.0_1 
libcomerr                      @1.47.1_0 
libcxx                         @5.0.1_5 
libdeflate                     @1.22_0 
libedit                        @20240808-3.1_0 
libffi                         @3.4.6_1 
libgcc                         @9.0_0 
libgcc14                       @14.2.0_3+stdlib_flag 
libiconv                       @1.17_0 
libidn2                        @2.3.7_0 
libjpeg-turbo                  @3.1.0_0 
libmpc                         @1.3.1_0 
libpixman                      @0.44.2_0 
libpng                         @1.6.44_0 
libpsl                         @0.21.5-20240306_0 
libtextstyle                   @0.22.5_0 
libunistring                   @1.3_0 
libxml2                        @2.13.5_2 
libxslt                        @1.1.42_0 
listres                        @1.0.4_0 
llvm-19                        @19.1.7_0 
llvm_select                    @2_1 
lmdb                           @0.9.33_0 
luit                           @2.0.20240102_0 
lz4                            @1.10.0_0 
mesa                           @24.3.2_0+llvm 
mkfontscale                    @1.2.3_0 
mpfr                           @4.2.1_0 
ncurses                        @6.5_0 
nghttp2                        @1.64.0_0 
oclock                         @1.0.4_0 
openjpeg                       @2.5.2_0 
openssl                        @3_21 
openssl3                       @3.4.0_1 
p5.34-authen-sasl              @2.170.0_0 
p5.34-cgi                      @4.670.0_0 
p5.34-clone                    @0.470.0_0 
p5.34-compress-raw-bzip2       @2.213.0_0 
p5.34-compress-raw-zlib        @2.213.0_0 
p5.34-digest-hmac              @1.50.0_0 
p5.34-digest-sha1              @2.130.0_4 
p5.34-encode                   @3.210.0_0 
p5.34-encode-locale            @1.50.0_0 
p5.34-error                    @0.170.290_0 
p5.34-gssapi                   @0.280.0_3 
p5.34-html-parser              @3.830.0_0 
p5.34-html-tagset              @3.240.0_0 
p5.34-http-date                @6.60.0_0 
p5.34-http-message             @7.0.0_0 
p5.34-io-compress              @2.213.0_0 
p5.34-io-html                  @1.4.0_0 
p5.34-io-socket-ssl            @2.89.0_0 
p5.34-lwp-mediatypes           @6.40.0_0 
p5.34-mime-base32              @1.303.0_0 
p5.34-mime-base64              @3.160.0_0 
p5.34-net-smtp-ssl             @1.40.0_0 
p5.34-net-ssleay               @1.940.0_2 
p5.34-regexp-ipv6              @0.30.0_0 
p5.34-scalar-list-utils        @1.680.0_0 
p5.34-term-readkey             @2.380.0_0 
p5.34-time-local               @1.350.0_0 
p5.34-timedate                 @2.330.0_0 
p5.34-uri                      @5.310.0_0 
pcre2                          @10.44_0 
perl5.34                       @5.34.3_1 
pkgconfig                      @0.29.2_0 
popt                           @1.18_1 
py311-brotli                   @1.1.0_0 
py311-contourpy                @1.3.1_0 
py311-cycler                   @0.12.1_0 
py311-dateutil                 @2.9.0.post0_0 
py311-fonttools                @4.55.3_0+lxml+unicode+woff 
py311-kiwisolver               @1.4.8_0 
py311-lxml                     @5.3.0_0 
py311-matplotlib               @3.10.0_0+tkinter 
py311-numpy                    @1.26.4_3+accelerate+gfortran 
py311-oldest-supported-numpy   @0.1_0 
py311-olefile                  @0.47_0 
py311-packaging                @24.2_0 
py311-pandas                   @2.2.3_0 
py311-parsing                  @3.2.1_0 
py311-Pillow                   @9.5.0_1 
py311-pytzdata                 @2020.1_0 
py311-six                      @1.17.0_0 
py311-tkinter                  @3.11.11_0 
py311-tqdm                     @4.67.1_0 
py311-tz                       @2024.2_0 
py311-unicodedata2             @16.0.0_0 
py311-zopfli                   @0.2.3.post1_0 
python3_select                 @0.1_0 
python3_select-311             @0.1_1 
python311                      @3.11.11_0+lto+optimizations 
python_select                  @0.3_10 
python_select-311              @0.3_1 
qhull                          @2020.2_1 
quartz-wm                      @1.3.2_1 
readline                       @8.2.013_0 
rendercheck                    @1.5_1 
rgb                            @1.0.6_1 
rsync                          @3.3.0_0 
sessreg                        @1.1.2_0 
setxkbmap                      @1.3.2_0 
showfont                       @1.0.5_0 
smproxy                        @1.0.6_0 
sqlite3                        @3.48.0_0 
tcl                            @8.6.16_0+corefoundation+threads 
tiff                           @4.7.0_0 
tk                             @8.6.16_0+x11 
tk-quartz                      @8.6.16_0 
tk-x11                         @8.6.16_0 
transset                       @1.0.2_0 
twm                            @1.0.10_0 
viewres                        @1.0.7_0 
webp                           @1.5.0_0 
x11perf                        @1.6.1_0 
xar                            @ 
xauth                          @1.1.3_0 
xbacklight                     @1.2.3_0 
xbitmaps                       @1.1.2_0 
xcalc                          @1.1.0_0 
xclipboard                     @1.1.3_0 
xclock                         @1.0.9_0 
xcmsdb                         @1.0.5_0 
xcompmgr                       @1.1.8_0 
xconsole                       @1.0.7_0 
xcursorgen                     @1.0.7_0 
xditview                       @1.0.5_0 
xdm                            @1.1.12_0 
xdpyinfo                       @1.3.2_0 
xedit                          @1.2.2_0 
xev                            @1.2.4_0 
xeyes                          @1.3.0_0 
xfd                            @1.1.3_0 
xfindproxy                     @1.0.4_1 
xfontsel                       @1.0.6_0 
xfs                            @1.2.0_1 
xfsinfo                        @1.0.6_0 
Xft2                           @2.3.8_0 
xgamma                         @1.0.6_0 
xgc                            @1.0.5_0 
xhost                          @1.0.8_0 
xinit                          @1.4.1_1 
xinput                         @1.6.3_0 
xkbcomp                        @1.4.5_0 
xkbevd                         @1.1.4_0 
xkbprint                       @1.0.5_0 
xkbutils                       @1.0.4_1 
xkeyboard-config               @2.5.1_1 
xkill                          @1.0.5_0 
xload                          @1.1.3_0 
xlogo                          @1.0.5_0 
xlsatoms                       @1.1.3_0 
xlsclients                     @1.1.5_0 
xlsfonts                       @1.0.6_0 
xmag                           @1.0.6_0 
xman                           @1.1.5_0 
xmessage                       @1.0.5_0 
xmh                            @1.0.3_0 
xmodmap                        @1.0.10_0 
xmore                          @1.0.3_0 
xorg                           @20090316_0 
xorg-apps                      @20151011_0 
xorg-encodings                 @1.0.5_1 
xorg-fonts                     @20090102_1 
xorg-libAppleWM                @1.4.1_1 
xorg-libdmx                    @1.1.5_0 
xorg-libfontenc                @1.1.8_0 
xorg-libFS                     @1.0.10_0 
xorg-libice                    @1.1.1_0 
xorg-libpthread-stubs          @0.5_0 
xorg-libsm                     @1.2.4_0 
xorg-libX11                    @1.8.10_0 
xorg-libXau                    @1.0.11_0 
xorg-libXaw                    @1.0.16_1 
xorg-libxcb                    @1.17.0_0+python313 
xorg-libXcomposite             @0.4.6_0 
xorg-libXcursor                @1.2.3_0 
xorg-libXdamage                @1.1.6_0 
xorg-libXdmcp                  @1.1.5_0 
xorg-libXext                   @1.3.6_0 
xorg-libXfixes                 @6.0.1_0 
xorg-libXfont                  @1.5.4_2 
xorg-libXfont2                 @2.0.7_0 
xorg-libXfontcache             @1.0.5_2 
xorg-libXi                     @1.8.2_0 
xorg-libXinerama               @1.1.5_0 
xorg-libxkbfile                @1.1.3_0 
xorg-libXmu                    @1.2.1_0 
xorg-libXp                     @1.0.4_0 
xorg-libXrandr                 @1.5.4_0 
xorg-libXScrnSaver             @1.2.4_0 
xorg-libXt                     @1.3.1_0+docs 
xorg-libXTrap                  @1.0.1_1 
xorg-libXtst                   @1.2.5_0 
xorg-libXv                     @1.0.12_0 
xorg-libXxf86vm                @1.1.5_0 
xorg-scripts                   @1.0.1_0 
xorg-server                    @1.20.11_1 
xorg-xcb-proto                 @1.17.0_0+python313 
xorg-xcb-util                  @0.4.1_0 
xorg-xorgproto                 @2024.1_0 
xpm                            @3.5.17_0 
xpr                            @1.0.5_0 
xprop                          @1.2.5_0 
xrandr                         @1.5.2_0 
xrdb                           @1.2.1_0 
xrefresh                       @1.0.6_0 
xrender                        @0.9.11_0 
xset                           @1.2.4_1 
xsetmode                       @1.0.0_1 
xsetpointer                    @1.0.1_1 
xsetroot                       @1.1.2_0 
xsm                            @1.0.4_0 
xstdcmap                       @1.0.4_0 
xterm                          @388_0 
xtrap                          @1.0.3_0 
xvinfo                         @1.1.4_0 
xwd                            @1.0.8_0 
xwininfo                       @1.1.5_0 
xwud                           @1.0.5_0 
xxhashlib                      @0.8.3_3 
xz                             @5.6.3_0 
zlib                           @1.3.1_0 
zstd                           @1.5.6_0
1 Like

Hello @mchin ,

After contacting MacPorts support, we have a solution for Python 3.13 (or Python3.12 as well for you).

You can test it with the following instructions:

sudo port install tk +x11 # not needed in your case

Then rebuild py313-tkinter from source

sudo port -ns upgrade --force py313-tkinter

Or, if you haven’t installed the port yet, use:

sudo port -ns install py313-tkinter

Before testing, remember to select the proper Python version :slight_smile:

sudo port select --set python3 python313

Let me know if this works for you as well.

Cheers, Luigi

Hello @luillo,

This works perfectly!
