Flair tutorial file gives missing PLOTGEOM.STORE error for 2D projections

With an unmodified “tutorial.flair” file from the Fluka Tutorial web page (Official flair site) and running Flair 3.3.1, 2D projection plots fail because a PLOTGEOM.STORE file is missing. 1D projection plots do work.
For example, following the instructions in the tutorial to plot the “Red” geometry (step 5. Geometry Plotting), the output file below with the error is generated.
Is there a bug in Flair 3.3.1, or is there a way to fix the tutorial file so 2D projections can be plotted?

Error output:

set terminal qt 0 enhanced solid title ‘tutorial-0: GeoViewer Red plot’
set format “%h”
set title ‘GeoViewer Red plot’
unset grid
set xlabel ‘’
set xtics
set ylabel ‘’
set ytics
unset logscale x
unset logscale y
unset logscale z
unset logscale cb
unset logscale x2
unset logscale y2
set key default

Cmd: rfluka -e /usr/local/flukagfor/fluka -M 1 /nfs_scratch/cvuosalo/Flair_CERN/tutorial2/flair_1w11xzyn

                               F L U K A

Dir: /opt/FLUKA_CERN/fluka4-4.0
Data: /opt/FLUKA_CERN/fluka4-4.0/data
Exec: /usr/local/flukagfor/fluka
Input: /nfs_scratch/cvuosalo/Flair_CERN/tutorial2/flair_1w11xzyn.inp
Initial seed copied from /opt/FLUKA_CERN/fluka4-4.0/data
Running fluka in /afs/hep.wisc.edu/home/cvuosalo/nfsscr/Flair_CERN/tutorial2/fluka_650013

======================== Running FLUKA for cycle # 1 ========================
Removing links
Removing temporary files
Saving output and random number seed
Saving additional files generated
End of FLUKA run
… fluka run: 0.504 s

e> ERROR: No /nfs_scratch/cvuosalo/Flair_CERN/tutorial2/flair_1w11xzyn001_PLOTGEOM.STORE file

That file gives me 2D projections of the geometry without any problem.
It looks like you are mixing up two different FLUKA installations, namely /opt/FLUKA_CERN/fluka4-4.0 and an old /usr/local/flukagfor.

Thanks for noticing the usage of the two FLUKA versions. We have two versions of FLUKA on the machine, but I don’t know how Flair was able to access them both at the same time.
I de-installed and re-installed Flair, and the problem went away.