Flat RPP Cs-137 source

Dear Experts,

I am trying to simulate dose from a flat RPP Cs-137 source. I have made the file with all necessary cards. However, my simualtion crashes with error " Abort called from UBCHCK reason IXYZ-1 Run stopped!". I am unable go around this issue. Kindly correct me where I have gone wrong. I am attaching the files.
cs.flair (2.4 KB)
cs.inp (2.2 KB)
cs.out (1.2 KB)
cs001.err (782 Bytes)

Dear Mayank,

your USRBIN scoring has way too many bins. I was able to run with 800 bins along each axis.
The maximum number of bins can depend on the complexity of the simulation, and the scorings you are using.
