FluDAG: misinterpretation of input file

Dear Experts,

I am trying to run FluDAG simulation (after fresh compilation), which was previously successfully running, and I am getting following error:

Output file:

======================= Running FLUKA for cycle # 1 ========================
Error: “/sw/dagmc/3.2.2/bin/mainfludag” executable returned RC=1

Log file:

Set overlap thickness = 0
Set numerical precision = 0.001
Loading the faceted geometry file /home/cerovsky/fluka/dagmc_example/v01/dagmc_example_v01.inp…
Loading file /home/cerovsky/fluka/dagmc_example/v01/dagmc_example_v01.inp
MOAB ERROR: --------------------- Error Message ------------------------------------
MOAB ERROR: /home/cerovsky/fluka/dagmc_example/v01/dagmc_example_v01.inp: File is not HDF5!
MOAB ERROR: set_up_read() line 449 in src/io/ReadHDF5.cpp
MOAB ERROR: --------------------- Error Message ------------------------------------
MOAB ERROR: NULL file handle.!
MOAB ERROR: is_error() line 134 in src/io/ReadHDF5.hpp
MOAB ERROR: --------------------- Error Message ------------------------------------
MOAB ERROR: ReadNCDF:: problem opening Netcdf/Exodus II file /home/cerovsky/fluka/dagmc_example/v01/dagmc_example_v01.inp!
MOAB ERROR: load_file() line 327 in src/io/ReadNCDF.cpp
MOAB ERROR: --------------------- Error Message ------------------------------------
MOAB ERROR: Trouble opening file /home/cerovsky/fluka/dagmc_example/v01/dagmc_example_v01.inp!
MOAB ERROR: load_file() line 67 in src/io/ReadNC.cpp
MOAB ERROR: --------------------- Error Message ------------------------------------
MOAB ERROR: Expected Keyword!
MOAB ERROR: load_file() line 178 in src/io/ReadABAQUS.cpp
MOAB ERROR: --------------------- Error Message ------------------------------------
MOAB ERROR: Invalid/unrecognized line!
MOAB ERROR: load_file() line 253 in src/io/ReadOBJ.cpp
MOAB ERROR: --------------------- Error Message ------------------------------------
MOAB ERROR: This doesn’t appear to be a .cub file!
MOAB ERROR: load_file() line 327 in src/io/Tqdcfr.cpp
MOAB ERROR: --------------------- Error Message ------------------------------------
MOAB ERROR: Parsing error at line 1: expected one of { $NOD $MeshFormat } got “TITLE”!
MOAB ERROR: match_token() line 367 in src/io/FileTokenizer.cpp
MOAB ERROR: --------------------- Error Message ------------------------------------
MOAB ERROR: /home/cerovsky/fluka/dagmc_example/v01/dagmc_example_v01.inp.node: cannot read file!
MOAB ERROR: open_file() line 60 in src/io/ReadTetGen.cpp
MOAB ERROR: --------------------- Error Message ------------------------------------
MOAB ERROR: /home/cerovsky/fluka/dagmc_example/v01/dagmc_example_v01.inp: Trouble reading vertices!
MOAB ERROR: read_vertices() line 139 in src/io/ReadTemplate.cpp
MOAB ERROR: --------------------- Error Message ------------------------------------
MOAB ERROR: Failed to load file after trying all possible readers!
MOAB ERROR: serial_load_file() line 588 in src/Core.cpp
MOAB ERROR: load_file() line 471 in src/Core.cpp
DagMC Couldn’t read file /home/cerovsky/fluka/dagmc_example/v01/dagmc_example_v01.inp
Error message: Failed to load file after trying all possible readers
DAGMC failed to read input file: /home/cerovsky/fluka/dagmc_example/v01/dagmc_example_v01.inp

Do you know, what is a possible reason of an error? I will appreciate any comments and suggestions.

Thank you!

With regards,

Jaroslav Čeřovský

Additional info about error:

Thank you!

With regards,

Jaroslav Čeřovský


Wrong version of DAGMC was compiled and following version needs to be used:

git clone GitHub - makeclean/DAGMC: Direct Accelerated Geometry Monte Carlo Toolkit
git checkout fluka-cern

and also compilation probably needs to be perform with following extra flag:

