Hi. I have installed them and as I had ran some examples. I encounter problem seen in the image. It also stucks a lot. I couldn’t yet run the basic simulation.
Please advise.
Thank you.
Hi. I have installed them and as I had ran some examples. I encounter problem seen in the image. It also stucks a lot. I couldn’t yet run the basic simulation.
Please advise.
Thank you.
Dear Saman,
what is the error message on the Output window? You can open it by clicking on the button in the error message.
Dear sir
When I click on the error message in output, I does not respond and stuck the software. I tried closing all files but whenever I open the flair, it shows the same message.
Please suggest.
Thank you.
Dear Saman,
could you let us know, what operating system are you using, and how did you install FLUKA and Flair?
Thank you for your reply.
The operating system is ubuntu 18.4.
For fluka installation:
dpkg -i fluka_4-0.1.Linux-gfor9_amd64.deb
For flair, see attached image.
Dear Saman,
Do you have Flair 3.1-3 installed?
Is this a virtual machine, or native installation?
What CPU, how much memory do you have in your PC?
Hi David
The flair 3.1-3 is installed.
Kindly see attached image for the system’s specifications.
Dear Saman,
when you launch flair from the terminal with the command flair
, is there anythong written there?
What is the output of the command: which python3
Hi David.
Thank you for your reply.
When I launch the flair, on lower right corner it reports an error of the output. In my previous email I attached those images of errors.
The python version is:
fast@fast-A110SU:~$ python3
Python 3.6.9 (default, Jul 17 2020, 12:50:27)
[GCC 8.4.0] on linux
Thank you.
Dear Saman,
please launch Flair from a terminal with the command flair
, and let me know what is written there.
HI David
Thanks for your reply.
It says:
Warning during loading while adding input. Open the output window for more information.
And when I click on the output tab, it does not respond.
It stucks.
Dear Saman,
please try to delete the hidden .flair
(note the dot at the front) folder in your home directory and try again.
Thank you.
This file deleted but still the same error is coming.
When I start the simulation, the status changed to finished with errors.
I cannot run the simulation and also it stucks a lot.
Thank you for guiding me.
Dear Saman,
sorry, but I’m a bit confused. You are getting this error when you are trying to open an input file, and not when you start Flair by itself?
If yes, could you share the input file you are getting the error?
Hi David
Sorry couldn’t convey the meaning.
Almost each time I start flair the following error used to visible on the lower right corner of the interface:
I says:
Warning during loading while adding input. Open the output window for more information.
And when I click on the output tab mentioned there, it does not respond and usually the software stucks.
And when I try to create a new file for simulation and try to run it , it also gives an error: finished with error.
Do you think should I add an extra RAM of 8 GB in the system?
Thank you.
Dear Saman,
the hanging issue seems to be related to your machine, and it would be impossible to find out the issue remotely.
However, when you are able to run a simulation, which ends with “Finished with error” A flair_xxxx folder is created containing the files .err, .out, .log. The content of these files should indicate why the simulation was unsuccessful.
Hi David.
I tried a lot to resolve these errors and followed the instructions.
I still couldn’t run the simulation.
Then re installed flair and fluka also tested recommend check scripts and did not get the message: congratulations all tests passed.
Please see attached image of error
Thank you.
Dear Saman,
please download the ’ check_fluka.py’ file as well, and place next to the check_fluka.sh
script and run the test again.
Hi David.
Thank you for the directions.
I did the same. But the problem not solving. See attached images from the terminal.
Dear Saman,
it looks like you have the wrong FLUKA package installed. Please install fluka_4-0.1.Linux-gfor7_amd64.deb