Hi everyone!
Two weeks ago we announced the first ever FLUKA topical course, to be held at CERN in November. We have already received a large number of registrations, and we thank you for your ever-growing interest in the code.
In order to continue building the knowledge of the community, we have decided to organize an additional course this year, and we are therefore annoucing the following
FLUKA Beginner course,
Held at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
From 2 to 6 December 2024.
Registrations are now open on the indico page of the course, and the fee is set at 400 CHF (1400 for commercial users). This beginner course is, as usual, open to anyone and registrations will be approved on a first come first served basis.
If you have any further question, do not hesitate to reach out to us at fluka.course@cern.ch.
With our best regards
The FLUKA team at CERN and collaborating institutes