Fluka installation on Mac Intel


I have completed the installation of the Fluka libraries on my Mac Intel. At the end of the installation the software executables are correctly created, but I receive an error message on the terminal that is the following:

clang: error: unknown argument: ‘-mpreferred-stack-boundary=8’

make[1]: *** [usbmax.o] Error 1

make: *** [tools] Error 2

Could these errors affect in some way the functioning of the software? Should I worry about it?

Thank you very much.

Hello @daniele.iannar

could you provide more info about your setup?
Mac OS system, Macports version, fluka version you downloaded.

Cheers Luigi

Hi @luillo

I list to you in the following the informations you asked about:

Mac OS system: macOS Big Sur, version 11.7.6
Macports version: 2.8.1
Fluka version: fluka-4-3.3.x86-Darwin-gfor10

Let me know if the software is correctly installed or if I have to add an update.


Hi @daniele.iannar

just noticed now, why are you using clang and not gcc from MacPorts?

Cheers Luigi

Hello @luillo

I don’t know from where are you seeing that I am using clang and not gcc, anyway is this related to the error that I get in the installation of the Fluka software?


Hi @daniele.iannar

it is the first word in your error message.
You are using the clang compiler, instead of the gcc.

What is the output of this command?
which gcc

Ciao Luigi

Hi @luillo

when I digit “which gcc” on terminal I get “/usr/bin/gcc”. Should I change from clang compiler to gcc compiler and reinstall the software’s libraries? If so do you know how to set the gcc compiler as the default one in Mac?


I see.

Have you installed gcc from MacPorts?

what is the output of this command?
echo $PATH

Please check also with a fresh terminal.

Cheers Luigi

Hi @luillo

yes as recommended from the installation instructions of the Fluka software I have installed gcc from MacPorts with the following command from terminal: “sudo port install gcc11”.

the output of the command echo $PATH is the following: “/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/TeX/texbin:/opt/X11/bin:/Library/Apple/usr/bin”

Do you know how to reinstall the software’s libraries without errors?


ok @daniele.iannar

can you try to recompile FLUKA?

In a new Terminal, check that the output of this command

$ > which gcc

is /opt/local/bin/gcc.

Then in the directory /pathtofluka/src/, type these two commands

make clean

Please let me know.
Cheers Luigi

Hi @luillo,

I have already remade the installation of the Fluka libraries without errors. I have deleted the errors substituting the clang compiler with the gcc11 compiler that I have installed on the Mac. I write to you in the following, the command lines that I have written on the terminal to reinstall the libraries.

These are the command lines to substitute the clang compiler with the gcc11 compiler

port select --list gcc
Available versions for gcc:
sudo port select --set gcc mp-gcc11
Selecting ‘mp-gcc11’ for ‘gcc’ succeeded. ‘mp-gcc11’ is now active.


Once the gcc11 compiler is actived as default compiler, I go in the directory /pathtofluka/src/ and I type the following command lines:

make clean

After the operation is completed there are no errors displayed in the terminal, therefore the installation of the libraries is completed correctly.
