FLUKA runtime errors

[From: Input workspace is blank]

Yes, I loaded the basic template. I tried re-installing Fluka and Flair. The pop up message now appears and the input tab is no longer blank. However, I now get two errors when I try to plot and run the results from the tutorial. I am assuming it is user error, and will try to work through the tutorial again to make sure I inputed all the values correctly.

Started 2020.09.06 11:35:45
gnuplot> reset
gnuplot> set terminal aqua 0 enhanced solid title 'trial-0: ’
gnuplot> set title ‘’
gnuplot> unset grid
gnuplot> set xlabel ‘’
gnuplot> set xtics
gnuplot> set ylabel ‘’
gnuplot> set ytics
gnuplot> unset logscale x
gnuplot> unset logscale y
gnuplot> unset logscale z
gnuplot> unset logscale cb
gnuplot> unset logscale x2
gnuplot> unset logscale y2
gnuplot> set key default
gnuplot> plotname=‘Red’

Cmd: /Users/thomascarstens/fluka4-0.1/bin/rfluka -M 1 /Users/thomascarstens/flair__pyq6_wh

                               F L U K A

Dir: /Users/thomascarstens/fluka4-0.1
Data: /Users/thomascarstens/fluka4-0.1/data
Exec: /Users/thomascarstens/fluka4-0.1/bin/fluka
Input: /Users/thomascarstens/flair__pyq6_wh.inp
Initial seed copied from /Users/thomascarstens/fluka4-0.1/data
Running fluka in /Users/thomascarstens/fluka_1236

======================== Running FLUKA for cycle # 1 ========================
Error: “/Users/thomascarstens/fluka4-0.1/bin/fluka” executable returned RC=2

… fluka run: 1.29772 s

e> ERROR: Return Code=2

Started 2020.09.06 11:37:51
- Running: trial
Dir: /Users/thomascarstens
Cmd: /usr/bin/nohup /Users/thomascarstens/fluka4-0.1/bin/rfluka -M 5 trial

                               F L U K A

Dir: /Users/thomascarstens/fluka4-0.1
Data: /Users/thomascarstens/fluka4-0.1/data
Exec: /Users/thomascarstens/fluka4-0.1/bin/fluka
Input: /Users/thomascarstens/trial.inp
Initial seed copied from /Users/thomascarstens/fluka4-0.1/data
Running fluka in /Users/thomascarstens/fluka_1314

======================== Running FLUKA for cycle # 1 ========================

Error code: 12

Thank you.

Dear Tom,

could you upload the .err, .out and .log files from the fluka_xxxx directories?


trial001.err (18.3 KB) trial002.err (18.3 KB) trial003.err (18.3 KB) trial004.err (18.3 KB) trial005.err (18.5 KB)

trial001.out (113.7 KB) trial002.out (113.7 KB) trial003.out (113.7 KB) trial004.out (113.7 KB) trial005.out (113.7 KB)

When I try to upload the log files the system shows that they are empty.

Thank you,

Dear Tom,

from the .out and .err files it seems, that all 5 cycles finished successfully. Are you still getting the error messages?
