FLUKA Topical Course - CERN - 25-27 November 2024

Dear Users,

We hope this message finds you well. We are thrilled to announce a FLUKA event of a new type. For the first time, we are organizing a topical course at CERN from 25 November to 27 November 2024.

This topical course will be devoted to radiation protection and is intended for advanced users of the code that work in that field, and are looking to learn more about shielding design, activation calculation and much more! The course also includes visits of CERN facilities illustrating and complementing the more traditional lectures and exercises.

You will find all the relevant details concerning the registration process, the fees and local organization on the INDICO page of the course. As usual, the timetable will be finalized a few weeks before the course.

This being a course for advanced users, acceptance of the registration is conditional to advanced knowledge of the software, nor is it on a first come-first served basis. Beginner users of the code can nevertheless be assured that very shortly we will announce our next beginner course. Stay tuned!

If you have any further question, do not hesitate to reach out to us at fluka.course@cern.ch.

Kind regards
The CERN.FLUKA training team