Forecasting Radiation Environment around the NICA Booster


The results of using the FLUKA package to calculate the radiation environment around building no. 1 of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics, which contains the ion injection systems, booster, and Nuclotron of the NICA complex in operation for the collider and for experiments with fixed targets, are presented. The calculation has been performed for the mode of 197Au ion acceleration to an energy of 578 MeV/n The main dose-forming component of the radiation field around the building is neutrons of a wide energy range. Detailed models of an ion acceleration ring and the geometry of shields and building details are used in the calculation. The calculation results indicate that the adopted design decisions with the given rates of ion losses will ensure compliance with radiation-protection norms during the operation of the NICA booster.


Link to the paper on the Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters journal