Fortran runtime error relates to neutrino cross section

Dear FLUKA experts,

I am modeling a low energy neutron detector and it ran well before I put in RESNUCLIde, PART-THRes, IONTRANS and PHYSICS cards in order to see 7-Li fragments.

Although I am no where near to make solid judgement on how FLUKA operates given I just started learning, after I examine the .err and .log file it seems that the error has something to do with the cross section data for neutrino? How could I fix this?

The simulation is using the latest version of FLUKA and flair under the WSL enviornment.

Thanks in advance for the help.


The attached is my .inp, .err, .log, .out and source spectra files.

BNTN.inp (2.0 KB) BNTN001.err (157 Bytes) BNTN001.log (530 Bytes) BNTN001.out (19.8 KB)

Dear Martin,

you need to recompile your custom executable, to make it compatible with the updated neutrino database.


Dear @horvathd,

Thanks for the insight. However, I’m using the executable written by @ctheis, how could I probably recompile it so I still being able to sample from external source spectra?


Dear Martin,

those executables have to be recompiled as well. You just need to redo the installation steps.
