Geometry Viewer not found (Mac M1 MacOS 14.1.1)

Hello, i’m new to Flair and trying to download it to my MacBook, however, i realize i had an issue with the download that the geometry part as it doesn’t work in the software, and i had fellow all the instructions for compile flair-geoviewer on the website. hoping someone can help me with this, thanks

Dear @ma21171

This error was addressed in this post

Also note that the installation based on Python 3.13 can also have issue.
In that case, I recommend to install Python 3.12 or 3.11:

Hope this will help.
Please let us know.

Dear Luigi
thanks for the suggestion, and I tried the first suggestion which is using sudo port install tk +x11 into the terminal and recompile geoviewer, and test Flair again, however, i end up not being able to open flair anymore wondering what is the problem now, and what can i do, many thanks.

Dear @ma21171,

Are you running this command on your local machine? Can you test in a new Terminal?

In case it does not work, please provide the output of these commands:

> echo $PATH
> port echo requested
> port select --summary

Dear Luigi
yes I am running on my local machine, below are the output of the commands

Dear @ma21171 ,

the installation seems correct.
It looks like that the variable DISPLAY is not set by XQuartz.
You can try to restart XQuartz.

Not recommended but you can also set the DISPLAY variable manually (e.g., export DISPLAY=:0).

Dear Luigi,
I never download X Quartz to my Mac, but I just did it, and now i am able to run Flair again, however, it seems to be a different way to run as it used to be run by Python Luncher, nevertheless, it still has the same issue with not showing the geometry part in flair, I had also recompile the geoviewer part again as well still not be able to run it properly, not really sure what is the issue now

Dear @ma21171 ,

Could you please elaborate on what you mean by a “different way to run” Flair? Based on your previous posts, it seems you haven’t yet had a working installation.

Have you carefully followed the installation instructions on Official flair site?

The snapshot you shared clearly shows that the library is missing from your Flair directory.

Try executing the following command inside the geoviewer directory:

make install DESTDIR=/path/to/your/flair/installation

Remember to replace /path/to/your/flair/installation with the actual path to your Flair installation directory.

Dear Luigi
thanks for the reply. By a different way to run Flair, I meant I can run Flair without downloading XQuartz, and was basically follow the step from the flair website which I wasn’t really sure if it was run by Macports or any other software that required on the download page
I also tried the command several times make install DESTDIR=PATH_FLAIR
and it doesn’t seems to work was wondering if I misunderstood anything here by ‘the actual path to your Flair installation directory.’ do you mean the path to open flair or something else? the snapshot below is i direct to the path of opening flair

Dear @ma21171 ,

Before running the command make install ..., you need to address the compilation error which is clearly reported in your terminal screenshot.

Please try the following in the geoviewer directory:

make clean
make -j 8
make install DESTDIR=/Users/kevin/Desktop/flair-3.3/

Note that there is an issue in the flair directory name in your command.

Dear Luigi,
Thanks so much for your help, I am now able to view the geometry part in Flair