How to calculate the residual nuclei cross section of 232Th(n,x)

Dear experts,

I’m seeking advice again. I want to use FLUKA to calculate the reaction cross-sections for residual nuclei such as 225Ac and 223Ra produced by neutrons interacting with 232Th. However, the output file doesn’t provide “Number of stars generated per beam particle” like it does for charged particles. How can I get the neutron cross-section?
Thank you!

Consider that, as already recalled, FLUKA is not designed to extract microscopic cross sections (as the indicated isotope production cross sections).
Stars - i.e., nuclear reactions - are not limited to charged particles, but to neutrons above 20 MeV.
For low-energy neutrons (whose interactions are simulated on the basis of data libraries), the output file reports the
Total weight of the low energy neutron interactions
as well as the
Number of secondaries created by low energy neutron per beam particle.

Thank you for your explanation! I now understand the issue.