How to download lower version of fluka and install in centOS 6.5, gfortran-4.4.7

Dear Fluka experts,
I would like to install fluka in a server machine (centOS 6.5, gfortran-4.4.7). Therefore, I think I need to install a lower version of fluka & flair. But, I did not find any link to download lower version. Kindly help, what can I do? Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Dear Prabir,

you may try to install devtoolset-7 to get gfortran 7 available on CentOS 6.

However, CentOS 6 has already reached it end of life and it is not supported anymore, so installing new packages may be difficult.

If you are managing this server, you should consider upgrading it’s operating system to a supported one.
If it belongs to an institute, please ask the help of your system administrator.


Dear David,
Thanks for the suggestion.

Best regards,