How to separately obtain particle pulse amplitude spectrum?

I do a simulation using neutron to bomb boron-10, i want to use DETECT card to obtain alpha, lithium-7, gamma pulse amplitude spectrum, it seems only total pulse amplitude spectrum can be obtain using DETECT card.
how can obtain particle pulse amplitude spectrum separately?

Dear @Newconcept_1979,
unfortunately with the DETECT card it is not currently possible to filter according to various particle types (not even in combination of other cards).

The simplest alternative that you could follow is the EVENTBIN card with region scoring: the binning data are printed event by event. In that case you will need to process the output by yourself and build your histograms. I suggest you use formatted output and suppress the printing of zero events by adding a ROTPRBIN card with WHAT(3)=100000 for the relevant scorings. Remember to select energy deposition events due to Li-7 using an AUXSCORE card. You can find an example of the cards below (apologies but I couldn’t upload a screenshot from Flair but you can copy paste the text and adapt the cards to your needs :wink: ).

EVENTBIN       -12.0  4-HELIUM        21    TARGET                    Alpha     
EVENTBIN      TARGET                                                   &        
EVENTBIN       -12.0  HEAVYION        22    TARGET                    Lithiu    
EVENTBIN      TARGET                                                   &        
EVENTBIN       -12.0    PHOTON        23    TARGET                    Pho     
EVENTBIN      TARGET                                                   &       
AUXSCORE    EVENTBIN   -700300              Lithiu
ROTPRBIN      100000                         Alpha
ROTPRBIN      100000                         Lithiu
ROTPRBIN      100000                         Pho 

Let me know in case you have further questions.
All the best,

@ Davide Bozzatodbozzato,thanks!