How to use a .dat-file of a particle spectrum as input

Dear FLUKA experts,

I am looking for some kind of a beginner’s guide on how to use a .dat-file containing one particle in each line with momentum, electric charge, mass number etc. for several thousands of particles.

Since I have not found or fully understood how to start this, I would appreciate any help. Can I do this using the FLAIR UI?

Best regards,

Dear Andreas,

please have a look at the source_newgen.f user routine’s Phase-space sampling option:

However, you can’t use this for heavy ions only single particles.


Dear David,

thank you very much for your reply. I have looked into this, however I need something for a mixed field with heavy ions. Can you help on this?

Best regards

Dear Andreas,

maybe there is a way to use this option. You could code the atomic and mass numbers into one integer like Z*1000 + A then use this number as the particle code.
Then, of course, you need to retrieve Z, A from the phase_space_entry%pc variable, and assign them to heavyion_atomic_number and heavyion_mass_number.
